Bicara tentang sepeda pastinya kalian semua sudah mengetahui apa itu sepeda. Sepeda adalah alat transportasi yang murah dan menyehatkan bagi penggunanya, tapi kita harus tau bagaimana cara merawat sepeda agar enak di gowesnya tentunya. Nah blog ini tentang cara bongkar pasang freewheel-gir sepeda sendiri kita langsung saja.
Instragram : @ijalmusik
Talking about bicycles, of course you all already know what a bicycle is. Bicycles are a cheap and healthy means of transportation for users, but we have to know how to take care of a bicycle so that it feels good, of course. Now this blog is about how to unload pairs of freewheel-gear bicycles, we just go straight.
Instragram: @ijalmusik
1. Kalian buka ulir baut yang menempel di sasis sepeda kanan dan kiri untuk melepaskan dari sasis sepeda.
2. Kalian siapkan pahat dan palu untuk memukul freewheel-gir sepeda
3. Tempatkan pahat di ring freewheel-gir lalu pukulan pahat dengan palu ke jarah berlawanan putaran freewheel-gir.
4. Setelah freewheel-gir terlepas, bersihkan ulir-ulir drat dimana freewheel-gir itu bertempat.
5. Oleskan sedikit minyak oil atau oil gemuk ke ulir drat sepeda.
6. Pasang freewheel-gir baru, putar searah jarum jam,memakai lap atau bahan kain, agar pada saat memutar lebih enak dan tanganpun tidak sakit terkena geriji freewheel-gir.
Nah..tahap sudah selesai dan bisa di gowes lagi sepedanya. Jika kalian masih bingung coba klik link fanpage yang di atas,link tersebut berisi bagaimana cara bongkar pasang freewheel-gir.
Terimakasih semogah ini bermanfaat.
1. You open the screw threads attached to the right and left bicycle chassis to release it from the bicycle chassis.
2. You prepare a chisel and hammer to hit the freewheels of the bicycle
3. Place the chisel in the freewheel-gear ring and punch the chisel with a hammer in the direction opposite the freewheel-gear rotation.
4. After the freewheel-gear is released, clean the thread threads where the freewheel-gear is located.
5. Apply a little oil or grease oil to the threads of the bicycle.
6. Install the new freewheel-gear, turn it clockwise, use a cloth or cloth, so that when turning it more comfortably and the hands don't get sick with the freewheel-gear grit.
Well ... the stage is complete and you can ride your bicycle again. If you are still confused, try clicking on the fanpage link above, this link contains how to uninstall freewheel-gear.
Thank you so this is useful
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