Instragram |@ijalmusik
Langkah pertama kalian buka As cangkar yang berada di ujung leher atau stem sepedaLangkah kedua buka As cangkar setengah bukaan.
The first step you open the axle cage which is at the end of the neck or bicycle stem. The second step is to open the axle cage half opening.
Langkah ketiga ketuk As cangkar dengan palu agar As cangkar kembali keposisi semula
Langkah keempat goyang-goyang stang sambil di angkat.
Langkah kelima semua sudah terlepas dan beri pelumas ke Pengunci dalam yang ada di ujung As cangkar.
Langkah ke enam pasang kembali,nah semua sudah selesai.
The third step, tap the axle with a hammer so that the ac anchor returns to its original position
The fourth step, shake the handlebar while lifting.
The fifth step is all loose and lubricate the inner lock that is at the end of the axle of the cage.
Step to six pairs back, now everything is finished.
As cangkar itu pengunci stang leher sepeda agar stang sepeda tidak goyang ke kiri atau ke kanan. Di bawah ujung As cangkar ada seperti sudut lanjip yang gunanya untuk mengunci stang agar tidak goyang.kenapa saat membuka As cangkar setengah berdiri, klo kalian buka As cangkar semua kemungkinan besar kalian akan sulit membuka leher stang.karna pada saat kalian buka semua As cangkar itu nah di dalamnya ada pengunci yang saya bilang ada di ujung As cangkar itu, jadi jika kalian buka semua As cangkar itu pengunci di dalamnya tidak terlepas. Bagaimana cara melepaskan pengunci As cangkar, kalian harus buka As cangkar setengah berdiri lalu diketuk dengan palu, nah pada saat diketuk dengan palu pengunci As cangkar itu terlepas.
Semogah berhasil jika ingin lengkap klik link fanpage yang diatas. Vidio cara membuka leher stang sepeda.
The axle locks the bicycle neck handlebar so that the bicycle handlebar does not shake to the left or right. Under the axle end of the cage there is like a long angle that is used to lock the handlebar so that it does not shake. Why when opening the axle cage half standing, if you open the axle cage all the chances are you will find it difficult to open the neck of the handlebar. well in it there is a lock which I say is at the end of the axle of the cage, so if you open all the aces of the cage the lock inside will not come loose. How to release the lock of the axle cage, you have to open the axle half standing and then tap it with a hammer, now when you tap it with a hammer lock the axle is released
Hopefully successful if you want to complete, click the fanpage link above. Vidio how to open a bicycle handlebar neck.
Thank you
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